Take Action to Stop South Carolina’s Anti-LGBTQ S.811
It’s Time to #StopS811!
About S.811
South Carolina’s Bill to Sanction ‘Conversion Therapy’
South Carolina Senate Bill 811 was originally proposed as legislation that granted healthcare providers, broadly defined, a “license to discriminate” against LGBTQ people, people of other faith backgrounds, women, people of color, and more.
It has since been amended to sanction the anti-LGBTQ practice of so-called ‘conversion therapy.’ In the summer of 2021, the City of Columbia’s took the bold and correct step of protecting LGBTQ minors from “conversion therapy” by passing a local ordinance – and the new version of S.811, amended in February 2022, attempts to undo Columbia’s ordinance and preempt other jurisdictions from protecting youth.
A companion bill in the House, H.4776, remains the broad anti-LGBTQ "Healthcare Discrimination” bill. Click here to learn more about H.4776.
Take Action on S.811
Learn More and Organize Against This Bill
Get the facts on this anti-LGBTQ bill with this fact sheet.
Message the Senate Medical Affairs Committee
Send a message using this form to the Senate Medical Affairs Committee members and urge them to reject this legislation.
Share Concerns About ‘Conversion Therapy’
Use this form to message the Senate Medical Affairs Committee members specifically about the dangers of anti-LGBTQ ‘conversion therapy.’
Learn About the Dangerous Practice of ‘Conversion Therapy’
S.811 is widely seen as an effort to condone or sanction the dangerous practice of so-called ‘conversion therapy,’ the debunked practice of attempting to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
It has been widely denounced by every leading professional medical and mental health association.
Learn more about conversion therapy by reading our fact sheet or clicking here.

Share Your Story
Share your story opposing anti-transgender legislation in South Carolina by clicking here, whether you’re an LGBTQ person, a parent, a business owner, faith leader, or more!