Join Us as the Rapid Response Phone Bank Team Takes on Anti-LGBTQ Budget Provisos

To kick off LGBTQ+ Pride Month, the SC United for Justice & Equality team will be working to defeat several discriminatory provisos (essentially, amendments) to the South Carolina state budget.

The provisos are:

  • Amendment 24, which would function as a curriculum censorship bill. The proviso is similar to Florida's so-called "Don't Say Gay/Trans" law. 

  • Amendment 32, a censorship proposal that seeks to limit public libraries from carrying LGBTQ-related books. 

  • Amendment 95, which would block funds for the Pediatric Transgender Clinic at the Medical University of SC.

To do that, we’ll need your help. The best way to block these provisos by calling key committee members directly and urging them to vote NO.

We’re reconvening our Rapid Response Phone Bank Team this week, coming together on Friday, June 3 and Monday, June 6 to mobilize calls against these provisos. Can you join and commit to these gatherings?

Just sign up for the team below and we’ll be in touch with more information:


Pride Month in South Carolina – Here’s How You Can Celebrate!


Q&A: Tyler Prescott on the Upstate LGBTQ+ Chamber