March 29 – Join Us in Taking Action Against SC’s Anti-Transgender Healthcare Ban

Lawmakers in South Carolina are gearing up to consider a slate of anti-transgender bills by the end of this month – with two hearings scheduled before a SC Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee. The first hearing took place on March 23, featuring testimony from a range of experts, including doctors and mental health professionals. Now, we need all hands on deck for a subcommittee hearing on Wednesday, March 29 at 9:00am ET.

The subcommittee meetings will focus on these bills: 

  • S.627, an anti-transgender healthcare ban prohibiting access to gender-affirming care for people under 18. This bill also includes a dangerous component requiring teachers and school staff to “out” transgender children to their parents, potentially before they are ready to share.

  • S.623, which interferes with the identity documents of transgender people. 

Here’s how you can get engaged:

  • Pack the room with supporters: Let’s prove to lawmakers that there are more South Carolinians opposed to these bills than in support of them. If you’re able to attend the hearing, please show up, where a signal of your support for the transgender community, and listen to the testimony while supporting those who are able to speak.

  • Share your story after the hearing: We’ll be gathering outside the Statehouse after the hearing ends at 11am, and anyone who wants to speak and share their prepared testimony against these bills will be able to do so; we’ll stream this event online and invite the media to attend. More details on this on Monday!

  • Be in community with supporters of transgender dignity and equality: We’ll have a community care space set up outside of the hearing room on Wednesday, and it’s a great space to create art, learn tips for healing & resilience, and find care and support from other people impacted by these anti-transgender policies. 

  • Testify with our partners against an anti-LGBTQ, racist curriculum censorship bill: There may be an opportunity to testify against another bill that SC United opposes. We’ll keep you posted on next steps. 

  • Have conversations in the lobby with lawmakers: We’ll also talk you through how to lobby Senators directly later in the day.

Please let us know if you can attend – just sign up here, and we’ll keep you posted with all of the logistical details:


150+ South Carolina Medical Providers Join Letter Opposing Anti-Transgender Healthcare Bills Ahead of Subcommittee Hearing


Take Action to Resist Curriculum Censorship in Columbia