Join Our Rapid Response Volunteer Team to Defeat Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills

When our communities show up, we win. It’s not easy to fight back when it feels like there’s an onslaught of harmful laws nationally and close to home, but right now the best thing we can do is dive in, support our people however we can, and never stop hoping for a better, more equal world.

Our Rapid Response Organizing Team is gathering folks to be our first line of defense when bad bills start to gain traction. There are many ways to organize, and we’re here to help you take action however works best for you – whether that’s making calls, showing up at the State House, or taking a training that helps you take action during pivotal moments.

Just sign up for the team below and we’ll be in touch soon with opportunities for you to take action.


Calling all SC LGBTQ+ Organizations: Apply for a Grant from SC United!


We’re Hiring! Apply for Our Rapid Response Organizing Team