Envisioning a South Carolina Where Everyone Can Thrive

SC United for Justice & Equality envisions a South Carolina where everyone can thrive, with a focus on the lived and legal equality of LGBTQ people.

The coalition advocates for the passage of legislation to protect LGBTQ community members and opposes anti-LGBTQ legislation. The coalition also works on intersecting issues of social justice, including racial justice, reproductive justice, voting rights, and health care access. 

Legislative Priorities

Opposing and Defeating Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills

Anti-LGBTQ+ legislation – like those related to youth policy, or “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” efforts in schools and governments, or those that complicate identity documents – must be stopped.

Protecting Students from Discrimination and Censorship

Coalition members are rallying against the state’s continued attacks on truth, education, and identity.


Advocating for LGBTQ Nondiscrimination

Lawmakers in South Carolina should listen to their constituents and move forward on LGBTQ equality: 58% of South Carolinians support nondiscrimination protections.

News + Updates

Resources for Trans Youth & Adults Impacted by H. 4624

In 2024 South Carolina lawmakers passed H. 4624, a bill that prohibits transgender people under the age of 18 from receiving essential medical care and restricts this care for many transgender adults.

This law is devastating, but we will get through this together as a community. Our coalition partners have resources available for trans youth and adults to continue receiving this medically necessary healthcare, including patient navigation support, resilience workshops, emergency grants, and more. Reach out, and their teams will be in touch.

Coalition Members

864 Pride

Amaryllis Counseling

American Civil Liberties Union of SC

Alliance for Full Acceptance

Campaign for Southern Equality

Charleston Area Transgender Support

Columbia NOW

Gender Benders

Grand Strand Pride

Harriet Hancock LGBT Center

Human Rights Campaign

Lambda Legal

Miskonception, LLC


PFLAG Greenville

PFLAG Spartanburg

Planned Parenthood South Atlantic

Pride Link

Richland County Public Education Partners

SC Equality

SC Housing Justice Network

The Agape Table

Transgender Awareness Alliance

The Trevor Project

Tri-County Gender Benders

UpLift Outreach Center

Upstate SC LGBT+ Chamber

We Are Family

Women’s Rights and Empowerment Network (WREN)

Do You Need Support?

 We know that bills like this can cause distress for people. Here are some resources if you need assistance: